The fundamentals of foosball
Every coach will tell you that mastering the basics is the most important component of becoming an expert in any sport. This is especially true in foosball as practicing things like ball control and passing are vital components to learning how to execute one of our complex foosball shots. Most players want to jump straight to training on offense and learning how to master a shot. These players quickly get exposed when playing with tournament-level players with sloppy passing and weak defense that will cause them to lose games. Learn the building blocks and revisit them from time to time and it will surprise you how much your overall game will improve. Things like ball control, passing and catching will serve as a building block for the rest of your game. When you play someone that is truly good, it will look like the ball is glued to their men and you will rarely get the chance to have a possession.
How to Play Foosball
The object and way you play the game is much like soccer, where two opposing teams take the field to score the ball in their opponent's goal. Most tables are designed with four handles on each side of the table, with two defensive rods, a midfielder "5-Bar" with 5 men and an offensive rod with 3 men.
The object and way you play the game is much like soccer, where two opposing teams take the field to score the ball in their opponent's goal. Most tables are designed with four handles on each side of the table, with two defensive rods, a midfielder "5-Bar" with 5 men and an offensive rod with 3 men.
Once the ball is served into the serving hole from the side of the table, each team turns the handles in order to move the men and kick the ball into the opposing target goal. These four handles can be played by a single player vs. another single player or you can choose to play doubles. Most coin-operated tables release nine balls and the first team to five goals, but home games can be played to five or sometimes ten points.